xrandr Resolutions

xrandr Resolutions

Posting in case anyone else is experiencing these issues: n
nI’ve got a dual monitor setup with two hanns-G hi221 monitors, both are using my motherboard’s integrated Radeon 3000 gpu; one connected to VGA and one to DVI. After upgrading to Fedora 20, the monitor connected to the DVI port would blink on and off intermittently (and very annoyingly). After hours of troubleshooting with xrandr (this reference was invaluable) I found that the auto-detected refresh rate was too high for the monitor. With some guessing and checking, I found a refresh rate of 54Hz to be the sweet spot. Here’s how I set the custom resolution: n<ol> n<li>sudo xrandr –newmode “1680x1050_54.00” 130.25 1680 1776 1952 2224 1050 1053 1059 1086 -hsync +vsync</li> n<li>sudo xrandr –addmode DVI-0 “1680x1050_54.00”</li> n<li>sudo xrandr –output DVI-0 –mode “1680x1050_54.00”</li> n