Slowly but Surely

Slowly but Surely

The site is coming together, albeit a bit slowly. Since the last post, the blog page was added (which features these and eventually other posts), as well as the Employ5 page. In the next few days, I'm hoping to polish up the Employ5 page a bit more, and tackle the Hi5 page.

n<p> nIn addition to the new pages added, I’ve also integrated a small widget on the front page with my neglected account. This project, similar to the “Where’s 5” widget, integrated with a third party API. Although I could’ve used the JSON API from, I opted for traditional XML. Up to this point, I haven’t really found it necessary to add any AJAX code, so I haven’t really had to parse much XML (via Javascript), so I figured I’d brush up with the widget project, and just use PHP. As experienced before, the integration was easier than expected, thanks to simplexml_load_file().</p> n<p>Honestly, I spent more time working with Banshee on my Ubuntu home theater PC to ensure it was correctly scrobbling than I did with actually writing code. As it turns out and older version of the Banshee plugin reported timestamps incorrectly (using negative values), and didn’t properly format the entries to replace XML special characters (i.e. &, &quot, etc).</p> n<p>That’s it for now! Happy 2013!</p>